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Globes & Guards for RLMs

RLM Design Reflectors for Compact Fluorescent, H.I.D. or Incandescent lamps may need the addition of enclosing cylinders or globes for beauty, utility or safety. The enclosures shown below are combined into an assembly, depending upon bulb choice, and assembled to the ordered RLM. When choosing an enclosure please note the heat limiting considerations for H.I.D., Incandescent, and Compact Fluorescent lamps. NOTE: METAL HALIDE LAMPS, 50, 70, 100, 150, 175, REQUIRE AN ENCLOSURE FOR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS; UNLESS “OPEN FIXTURE” (MP) METAL HALIDE LAMPS ARE TO BE USED. See order guides for complete enclosure compatibility information on pages 20-24.

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