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Galvanized Reflectors

Reflectors are precision spun steel hot dipped galvanized outside and inside for thorough protection. Turned in bottom bead adds strength and prevents the collection of dirt. RLMS are supplied with heavy die-cast flanged mounting hub and left hand thread locknut. 1/2-14 or 3/4-14 hub sizes available to fit selected mounting system. Standard incandescent lamp holders are heavy-duty porcelain with spring loaded center contact and lamp grip screw shell. Medium base is standard on all galvanized RLMs. For globes, guards, H.I.D.,Compact Fluorescent and other options see ordering guides on pages 20–24. All RLMs are Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc.® Listed Suitable for “Wet Location”. Exception: Vented neck units are “Damp Location” listed. C-UL Listed for Canadian Use.

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